Professional Public Speaking

(2 days)

27 August 2024

Islington, London

See all course dates

Take 2 days to turn Public Speaking from one of the scariest to one of the most natural things you do.

- the greatest confidence and control,
- the best structure and delivery skills
- the secrets to developing exceptional content
with guidance, advice and support from a
- a 4 time National Public Speaking Champion.

Full attendance and completion of both days will lead to double certification:
ILM R and
CPD Certification

The emphasis on this 2 day programme is very much on
'doing' rather than 'listening',
'speaking' rather than 'theorising'.
Therefore, each day each participant will have the opportunity to stand and present at least four times.

Great Public Speakers are all in control of three elements: the Speaker, the Speech and the Audience - or to translate that into practical public speaking terms: their Delivery, their Structure and their Content.  It all starts from there!       

Who is this Public Speaking course for?

Executives and presenting professionals who want to delve deep and develop the full range of planning, structuring and delivery skills
and have it backed up with recognised accreditations.

Completion of both days of this 2 day programme will be recognised with a double certification, ILM and CPD, as testimony to your acquired skill level.
However, if you feel that just one day on
'Public Speaking Presentation Skills' or one day on
'Storytelling for Business and Training' would be more appropriate, please follow these links:

What will I learn?

In this 2 day programme you will learn the complete range of skills necessary  to become an exceptional speaker, including how to:

- design a simple universal speech structure
- apply each of the 3 contrasts necessary for vocal variety
- demonstrate each of the 3 principal reasons for strong eye-contact
- demonstrate each of the 3 principal types of speaking  gesture
- identify when to stand and when to move
- use the voice as a tool to embed key words and key concepts
- demonstrate the No 1 rule of rapport
- control and overcome speaking nerves
- perfect a 3 step routine to gain control before speaking
- prepare for the first moments of a presentation (planned spontaneity)
- choose a suitable opening to a presentation
- apply the metaphor of ‘landing the plane’ for the end of the presentation
- assess whether the audience is more motivated by achievement or avoidance
- structure a speech outline built around the benefits for the audience
- structure a presentation around story telling techniques
- use pictures and metaphors to simplify abstract concepts
- lead the audience from where they are (wrong choice) to where they could be (right choice)
- sum up the message of a presentation in a ‘nutshell statement’
- deliver a full presentation without needing to refer to notes

Very few people feel comfortable standing up in front of a group of people. The best speakers are not always the ones who most enjoy public speaking, they are the ones who have something they need to say.

Speaking is not about broadcasting, it is about connecting and the best way to connect with people is to be relatable.
The best way to be relatable is not by showing off to your audience how different you are to them, but by showing them how much you have in common with them.
Once we realise this, some of the pressure starts to go away.
It's not all about you, it is about learning to relate to them.

There are 3 fundamentals to becoming a great speaker that makes people want to listen to you:
- uncovering your own personal style and applying the best speaking tips and techniques for that style;
- growing in a safe and supportive environment as you practice making speeches and
- developing trust and confidence in yourself so that you can always sparkle even when you are feeling very dull!

Anyone can be a good speaker
Everyone can be a better speaker
You just need to decide to become the best speaker you can be.
And we are here to help you achieve that.

How this course will benefit me?

In this course we start with exercises built around very simple structures so that we can focus on everything that makes a great speaker:
(i) improving delivery skills: including, vocal variety, voice projection, pace and power; hands and voice; stance and movement; gestures and emphasis; eye-contact and engagement;
(ii) working within a flexible structure: including, aims and objectives, openings, endings, rule of 3, rhetorical forms and patterns, lists, schemes of arrangement, memory aids
(iii) choosing powerful content: including, the types of stories, metaphors, analogies we can use; lists; rhetorical devices; rhythm and repetition; style and attitude, empathy and humility, etc…
Because once we have developed the confidence we can develop the speaker.

Day 1

We will provide you with over 50 different public speaking tips and techniques during the day, and provide an encouraging and supportive environment to practise and improve.
We build confidence and self-belief on a solid foundation of lots of practical tangible successes.
The focus will be on identifying tried and tested hints and techniques that will work for you when you need them, rather than getting bogged down in abstract theories and mantras.

Some of the tips are simple to apply, some are obvious, some might surprise you! But they are all first-hand techniques that work, that have withstood the pressure of performance and over the years have won numerous compliments, many contracts and several competitions

Over 50 tips and techniques

20 + practical tips on delivery that can be adopted immediately to make an impact on not just how you feel about presenting, but how you come across

10 + simple practical tips on structure to help you organise and make powerful impression, start well, finish well and keep you on track throughout the speech so that over time you can cut down, simplify or maybe do away with notes altogether

10+ simple practical tips on content to make sure every presentation is engaging, captivating and relatable and to make sure you come across as likeable, credible, confident and worth listening to

10+ simple practical tips on confidence and performance to create the mental state to overcome nerves and make a connection.

Day 2

We will learn:
how to master 3 fundamental types of story:
(i) personal examples, anecdotes
(typically expressing the communication principle of ‘feel felt found’)
creating stories that build personal rapport and team togetherness;
(ii)  stories about ‘others’ or using well-known cultural examples to access collective wisdom (typically expressing the principle of ‘if they can – we can’)
creating stories that inspire and motivate; and
(iii) universal stories (typically metaphorical) that capture a vision or collective aim.

learn to construct stories with a clear purpose, choosing between:
(i) simple personal or anecdotal stories that illustrate a general principle and
(ii) literal stories of struggle and success;
judging whether it is better to put yourself into the centre of the story,
or to focus on others;
choosing between stories that point towards an ideal outcome and stories that warn against an undesired outcome 

explore a variety of possible of storytelling techniques
(such as: simple imagery; unexpected turns; unusual juxtapositions;
reporting actual dialogue; appealing to all senses; introducing characters);
creatively employing structure, rhythm and repetition to enhance impact;
using the main key message to bring into focus preceding elements of the narrative;
introducing relevant rhetorical devices to  increase impact and help to embed key messages;
adapting popular stories to highlight a point;
exploring exaggeration, surprise and arresting imagery.

how to use different story forms as the blueprint for the whole presentation.

Add to that a few extra tips for preparation and banishing nerves on stage and we can move you on from where you are towards where you want to be.

That might mean we take you from timid to terrific, cautious to confident, or simply from good to gloriously great.


"Absolutely wonderful. Made an effort to learn everyone’s name (even mine!). Honestly one of the best training sessions I have ever taken part in. Right balance between theory and practice. Loved it! Thank you!"

Ghonche Alavi – Gardaworld

"I appreciated how much personalized feedback was given on the spot and how engaged Michael was. "

Gwen Osserman – Mintel

"A fantastic two days teaching, in a very supportive and fun environment under expert guidance. So many useful and practical tips to take away. Would highly recommend."

Jenny Ayres - Golden Spur Enterprises

"Super relevant. Super well presented. Best training I’ve ever received!"

Sarah Mills – Keep Britain Tidy

"I will take away a tremendous amount of confidence from this course."

Janine Leigh – Airlock Aviation Ltd

"Superb. I really learned something about myself today! Definitely coming back for Training the Trainer."

Rachel Henson (Plannings Inspectorate)

"The opportunity of speaking in public in a risk free environment and the relevant feedback received. Very relatable and down to earth. Very effective examples."

Enrico Arietti

"Good conversational style. Lots of frameworks to try. Good blend of technique, framework, practice, video"

Kate Round - Thought Works

"Lots of useful examples, comparisons and good active listening for helpful feedback."

Sarah Dunn – Elms Solutions

"Highly effective – friendly, professional approach with time given to everyone to speak and contribute"

Sue Martin – Corby Learning Partnership

"Excellent use of examples. Funny, light-hearted, easy learning environment. Built confidence."

Yvonne Geasley – De Beers

"I got so much out of the course and I know I will be using the skills you taught us for many years to come."

Lynda Marsden - Havering

"So effective – great balance of support with points for improvement."

Emma Bennett – Gloucester CC

Completion of this 2-day programme will be recognised with a double certification, ILMR and CPD,
as a testimony to your skill level.

The ‘ILM Recognised’ approval demonstrates that a leadership and management programme is fit for purpose and aligned to at least one of the four key components for professional development: leadership, management, coaching, and mentoring or enterprise – the ILM Footprint.
The holder of this credential has completed a leadership and management programme by The Art of Training and Public Speaking. The programme has been validated by ILM against a set of global quality measures and approved as ‘ILM Recognised’. This individual has learnt the key fundamentals to becoming a professional public speaker.


Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the largest and leading independent CPD accreditation organisation working across all industry sectors.

CIMA - founded in 1919, is the world’s leading and largest professional body of management accountants, with over 232,000 members and students operating in 177 countries, working at the heart of the business.The CIMA CPD product accreditation scheme recognises and promotes products and services that benefit CIMA members’ mandatory requirement to engage in ongoing CPD.

Your tutor - Michael Ronayne

4x UK National Public Speaking champion

Apart from 20 years of coaching and supporting other speakers & trainers, Michael has developed and delivered certified Training the Trainer courses for over 15 years. He can demonstrate it; he can see what needs to be done and he can teach it.

More about our tutors

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Michael's superb training style is underpinned by an incredible depth of knowledge and experience. Like all true experts, he delivers what he knows with ease and simplicity, exampling the skills he is teaching as he does so.

Very informative and great anecdotes which illustrated points and provided visual markers.

The most interesting training that I have ever taken part in! Experience + Wisdom + Perfect teaching approach.

The training was spot on. He really listened to us and customised his responses throughout.

Loved the creation of visual examples through the use of body and how relating the experience really helps demonstrate the message.

Very approachable and motivational. So much information, brilliantly delivered.

Loads of great analogies and stories - very friendly and helpful.

Very approachable and knowledgeable and good use of examples to simplify the material.

In just one day Michael was able to teach a class of children how to craft their own personal stories and experiences into powerful and engaging speeches that resonate with an adult audience as well as with a younger audience. It is a marvellous way to help them increase self-confidence and in the process - almost without them even realising it - become natural speakers and excellent communicators.

Michael has a style of speaking which draws the audience into his world, captivates them and leaves them with lasting memories of some of the descriptive phrases he has used and the information he has included. He also has the ability to pass the skills he uses in his own speaking on to those he trains.

Very good rapport, attention to detail, individual support, positive atmosphere and encouragement - a great place for learning.

• Very great example; how to express yourself, how to be engaging and how to match body language with what is said.