Virtual Train the Trainer – Live Online

(2 days)

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Take 2 days and 5 steps and become an exceptional trainer - flexibly from home

Also available over 5 mornings or 5 afternoons.  
Please contact Michael directly to discuss. 07798 936886 

The best training motivates and inspires.
If you can achieve that with your students you will spend less time telling them what to do and more time guiding, helping and supporting them as they find out for themselves.

Who is this course for?

If you need to:

  • enable colleagues or staff to improve their performance and develop their skill-sets
  • deliver change and improvement while coming across with confidence and conviction
  • develop your own CV or career as a leader, coach or mentor with two recognised certifications
    (CPD certification and CIMA).

What will I learn?

Today delivering training online is not just a matter of convenience and safety, it has also has become increasingly relevant, as many trainers, managers and team leaders are now required to deliver their meetings and training sessions virtually.
Therefore, during this online version of the doubly certified Training the Trainer course, as well as working on the 'what' and 'why' of our training, we can also start to consider 'how' it needs to be presented and practise the different ways we may need to deliver it, whether online or in a classroom.
This online live version of the Training the Trainer certification programme follows the same syllabus as the classroom course. 
Interactivity and full student engagement are promoted via the use of online break out rooms, with regular exercises in small groups as well as short student presentations that can all be prepared, recorded and fed back upon after playback. 
Students will be encouraged to offer feedback on each other’s contributions just as in a classroom, while discussions are initiated and supported within the whole group.  
Interaction is further increased by keeping the number of participants down to typically 4 on each course. 
(A couple of the first student feedback comments in the ‘Student Feedback’ section below pay testimony to how well this works.)

In this 2 day programme you will learn the complete range of skills necessary  to become an exceptional trainer, including how to:

- develop a clear, flexible delivery style that fully engages the students in the room
- identify the keys to keeping your delivery manner lively and varied
- formulate a robust course outline that remains flexible and adaptable
- build a training structure focused around 'why' rather than' on what'
- define the characteristics of your 'ideal student'
- adapt your training style to encourage that 'ideal student'
- gauge the correct pace of training for each group of students
- establish a learning environment that supports the training aims
- consider different basic room layouts
- identify different learning styles
- employ storytelling to bring training into ‘their’ real world
- create activities and scenarios that match 'real life' as accurately as possible
- construct clear and measurable outcomes by using 'Why', 'What' and 'How'
- create learning outcomes that are practical and relevant to the workplace.

In business and in organizations of all types, we recognize that effective training improves performance and motivation.

And as someone with responsibility for training, you have an incredible opportunity to positively influence other members of staff.

Imagine the effect on communication, atmosphere and morale, productivity your staff had the understanding to do their jobs perhaps just 5% better.

In pure hard numbers, what would that kind of impact be worth?

Well, let's be conservative about it!

Even if you have just THREE members of staff delivering a very modest £30,000 of value to your organisation per year each...

...getting another 5% out of them alone would equate to at least £4,500 of value per year, every year, wouldn't it?

And if you're able to touch 10 staff like that?


Invest in yourself and you invest in others


How this course will benefit me?

Part of the art of training is to be able to break down the potentially complicated into components that are simple and manageable.  This is why in this programme we aim to 'walk our talk' and so we have built the training around three key questions, three key components and three key themes and below is a small sampling of what you'll discover on this highly interactive workshop as you master your own unique blend of the three core components essential to every training or coaching session:

Part 1: 'You' - The Trainer
Training can only ever be as good as the trainer who delivers it. You'll discover how to choose the right learning style for any training situation and deliver a confident, compelling performance, every time.

  1. How to blend the 3 elements that must intersect to create Ideal Communication and achieve the trainer's ultimate goal: 'Planned Spontaneity'
  2. How to use your voice, its Pitch, Pace, Power and Pause to make an impact
  3. How to use your body - stance, hands and voice, and gestures - both to relate to others, and assert yourself, and when to use each style 
  4. How to use your eyes to create connection, confidence and build genuine trust
  5. How to establish the qualities of an ideal trainer (hint: their relationship to the qualities of an ideal student may surprise you!)
  6. How coaching and training are defined - and when to use each of them
  7. How to apply 4 key learning concepts: 'child learning', 'adult learning', Single loop v double-loop learning

Part 2: 'Them' - The Students
Exceptional trainers are continuously focused on the unique needs of every 'class' they work with, speak to their needs, and develop an easy rapport that facilitates learning and results in top approval ratings - and so will you. You'll discover:

  1. The 3 essential ingredients for a successful workshop or training session: Learning Environment, Learning Readiness, Participation
  2. What to say in the critical first 90 seconds of any training workshop so that attendees trust you and become fully engaged. We'll develop this essential content with you, live during the workshop, so you can take it away and use it immediately
  3. How to map out why students need your workshop to make any training brief compelling
  4. The 3 critical - but often hidden questions ALL students have at the outset of any training - and how you must answer them
  5. The one universal exercise format that you can use anywhere and instantly increase engagement, confidence and interaction in your students
  6. How to use story techniques to make your points powerful and highly memorable
  7. How to identify and cater to different personality types so your training appeals to students across the board

Part 3: 'It' - The Training
Creating effective, impactful training is equal parts art and science. You'll discover:

  1. The 5 stage model for creating effective training: Purpose, Outcomes, Content, Delivery, Feedback
  2. How to create effective Purpose Statements and Learning Outcomes - including the 'Implement, Improve, Innovate' model for understanding and choosing learning objectives
  3. How to apply and adapt any of 10 key activity and delivery options to support the key outcomes of your training.
  4. How to use words, pictures and metaphors for impact - including one simple technique to create powerful metaphors out of any point
  5. What every trainer should have in their workshop 'toolkit'
  6. The Rules of Feedback - including the 'Sprinkler Rule'
  7. How to create an effective workshop feedback form - and the mistakes to avoid that can dangerously distort your feedback

Plus: Training Techniques, Exercises, Models, Templates... You'll also leave with a 27-page manual of essential training advice, templates, exercises, models, diagrams, further reading and additional resources, including:

  1. Lesson Plan template
  2. Feedback Form template
  3. The 3 levels of listening: Competitive, Attentive, Active
  4. 3 ways to become a better listener
  5. A comprehensive chart for creating Learning Outcomes
  6. The 4 fundamental types of question
  7. The anatomy of an exceptional trainer


"This is the first training course I have done via Zoom. Michael made it work incredibly well, and I really enjoyed it. The breakout rooms worked well, and he did everything to make it flow and work naturally,"

Katie Mumford - RSSB

"A wonderfully detailed, in-depth course from a highly experienced trainer. I loved the self reflection encouraged and the really honest approach. Great to have this online too"

Katherine Inglis - Architects Registration Board

"Michael was very clear, organised and concise. He instantly put us at ease and stayed on track with timings. Very engaging on Zoom. Well done for keeping the energy going!"

Caroline McGilliard - MacFarlane Packaging

"Despite being a trainer, I have learned so much more than I thought I knew. ..the training, motivation and guidance made a positive impact in my life and my training."

Kalpana Chandran – Hogan Lovells: International Law

"Probably the best course I have been on – and I have been on a lot!"

Darren Harrison – Prinovis UK

"Fantastic, down-to-earth, flexible, knows his stuff – just fantastic! "

Faziela Dharsey – VAHT

"I found this course and the delivery truly inspirational. I have learned a lot about myself as well as the skills to be a better and more confident trainer."

Susan Gibson – Lambeth Council

"Loved it! One of the few courses I was not looking at the time and enjoying thoroughly."

Agnija Matisane – Grosvenor Hotel

"..a really informative and thought-provoking course. .. much food for thought and inspiration. It has given both confidence and guidance."

Janet Balmforth – DDA Blueprint

"Great course – very helpful in terms of building my confidence in this area. Will highly recommend "

Dionnne D’Sa – Bracknell Forest

"'Amazing, thoroughly enjoyed course and feel it has made a huge difference to my training abilities. - will be recommending this to my colleagues, as I had it recommended to me."

Dr Ingrid Jolley – Sheffield Teaching Hospitals

"Fantastic course. Would recommend to anyone involved in training."

Andrew Bloxham – A2B Aero

"'The best training of trainer course I have ever attended. Thank you!"

Debbie Armstrong – Viridian Housing

"The training is brilliant. I feel so much more confident now to train others."

Dennisha Villaverde – PRT Berks

"Excellent two days which I thoroughly enjoyed. Feel more prepared to continue my career in training."

Jamie Smelt – Appointments Commission

Train the Trainer - double accreditation


CIMA - founded in 1919, is the world’s leading and largest professional body of management accountants, with over 232,000 members and students operating in 177 countries, working at the heart of the business.
The CIMA CPD product accreditation scheme recognises and promotes products and services that benefit CIMA members’ mandatory requirement to engage in ongoing CPD.


Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the largest and leading independent CPD accreditation organisation working across all industry sectors.

Some of the organisations whose staff have taken this Train the Trainer programme:

Local and National Government, including:

  • Foreign and Commonwealth Office
  • Houses of Parliament
  • Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Parliamentary Archives
  • Unison
  • Havering Council
  • National Policing Improvement Agency
  • Newham Council
  • Haringey Council
  • London Connexions

Health and Education, including:

  • University of Nottingham
  • London Business School
  • University of Westminster
  • Oxford University Press
  • Cranfield University
  • Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
  • Southwark PCT
  • NHS Barking and Dagenham
  • NHS Connecting for Health
  • South Acton Children's Centre

Commercial and Environmental, including:

  • Serco
  • Unitrans
  • HSBC
  • Exxon Mobil
  • Traxsydes
  • Plantec Holdings
  • Baines Simmons
  • Coutts
  • GSK
  • Heritage Lottery Fund
  • Shaftesbury Young People
  • Community Development Foundation
  • Bioregional
  • PruHealth
  • Network Rail
  • ATS Heathrow

Your tutor - Michael Ronayne

4x UK National Public Speaking champion

Apart from 20 years of coaching and supporting other speakers & trainers, Michael has developed and delivered certified Training the Trainer courses for over 15 years. He can demonstrate it; he can see what needs to be done and he can teach it.

More about our tutors

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Michael's superb training style is underpinned by an incredible depth of knowledge and experience. Like all true experts, he delivers what he knows with ease and simplicity, exampling the skills he is teaching as he does so.

Very informative and great anecdotes which illustrated points and provided visual markers.

The most interesting training that I have ever taken part in! Experience + Wisdom + Perfect teaching approach.

The training was spot on. He really listened to us and customised his responses throughout.

Loved the creation of visual examples through the use of body and how relating the experience really helps demonstrate the message.

Very approachable and motivational. So much information, brilliantly delivered.

Loads of great analogies and stories - very friendly and helpful.

Very approachable and knowledgeable and good use of examples to simplify the material.

In just one day Michael was able to teach a class of children how to craft their own personal stories and experiences into powerful and engaging speeches that resonate with an adult audience as well as with a younger audience. It is a marvellous way to help them increase self-confidence and in the process - almost without them even realising it - become natural speakers and excellent communicators.

Michael has a style of speaking which draws the audience into his world, captivates them and leaves them with lasting memories of some of the descriptive phrases he has used and the information he has included. He also has the ability to pass the skills he uses in his own speaking on to those he trains.

Very good rapport, attention to detail, individual support, positive atmosphere and encouragement - a great place for learning.

• Very great example; how to express yourself, how to be engaging and how to match body language with what is said.